Sunday, September 5, 2010

Practicing Conflict Free Life

Practicing Conflict Free Life: Nithyananda’s Morning Message – 2010, August 29

I welcome you all with my love and respects.
Today’s subject is practicing conflict-free life.

I want to share a technique with the whole world because many important things I shared with you all yesterday did not reach the whole world. I want to share at least the essence. Whatever process you are going through, the essence of all those is being sent to all the e-satsang centers. But the whole world will be benefited with this technique.
Conflict is as long as there is something other than you.
Conflict has no life. Life has no conflict.
As long as you think there is something other than you that exists, the fear or conflict continues to be alive in your system. All you need is tuning your system, tuning your body-mind to understand that nothing other than you exists. There is nothing other like you that exists or nothing exists other than you.
It is a very powerful process in Hatha Yoga called ajapa japa – chanting beyond chanting. Chanting is not exactly the translation – it is more like flowing without flowing.
Constantly knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, your being goes on chanting this hamsa mantra – when you inhale the tone ‘ham’ and when you exhale ‘sam’.

When we verbalize even this ‘ham’ and ‘sam’ gets shape. If you don’t verbalize and just observe, the subtle version of ‘ham’ and ‘sam’ goes on happening.

Physically if you see, you have a defined body. If you close your eyes and visualize yourself, you see and undefined version of you, it is a kind of line drawing, line sketch, caricature.In the same way when you sit and listen to this ajapa japa – if you observe what happens, you will see the line drawing or caricature version of this hamsa mantra will be happening.

Please do not add that ‘ham’ or ‘sam’ sound with will. When you add with will it becomes japa – chanting.
I am telling you to sit and try to find out the mantra. In the beginning will be the dull version or undefined version of ‘ham’ and ‘sam’. Slowly either ‘ham’ or ‘sam’ will disappear.
‘Ham’ means the idea ‘me’, ’I’.
‘Sam’ means the whole- cosmos, God- anything beyond you.

When the strong defining difference between this ‘ham’ and ‘sam’ disappears, you become Paramahamsa.
As long as this ‘ham’ and ‘sam’ happen in you, you are hamsa. When the gap between the sound difference disappears, merges into one, you and he merge into one , I and you merges, you become Paramahamsa – beyond hamsa. Anybody beyond hamsa is Paramahamsa.

It is a very powerful technique for practicing conflict-free life. It is a very powerful way of balancing or elevating your internal consciousness beyond conflict. The teaching I was sharing yesterday – life has no conflict. Conflict has no life. It will become reality in you when the hamsa mantra realization happens.

Any mantra goes on inside adds its smell, its vibration to your breathing. When you sit with hamsa, first thing the verbalization settles down. Only physiological movements happen, physiological conflict happens. When you sit with that also, even the physiological conflict disappears.As of now you are not even having pure ham and sam. All the garbage going on in the head will be happening.

When I ask you to sit with hamsa mantra, the psychological mutation will happen. When you are having only the ham and sam, the psychological mutation happens.

Second step – when you continue to be with just ham and sam, the purified ham and sam will start getting settled with itself. So the difference between ham and sam starts melting down. The physiological mutation happens.
When the psychological and physiological mutation happens, it is conflict-free life – living enlightenment.
So this is the straight process. When you work on this, you can understand how directly this leads to conflict-free life.

I request all of you to practice conflict-free life. Let you all experience conflict-free life. Let you all live and radiate eternal bliss, nithyananda. Thank you.

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